Catholic Care | Helping Ukrainian refugees

Helping Ukrainian Refugees

Catholic Care | Helping Ukrainian refugees

Catholic Care Team

Catholic Care has a lot of experience through being the Lead Sponsor of a number of Community Sponsorship groups.

We have decided that to optimise our resource and experience we will partner with an organisation called Citizens UK and around 15 others. This strategic partnership will enable all of us to scale up our operation and also ensure that we have safe and sustainable processes in place enabling matching and travel to the UK to take place.

Christmas Pantries

We recognise that people want to help, which is why we are regularly meeting with our partners to ensure information is current and we update our website. It is important that we make sure that both refugees and hosts are protected. So, we would recommend that you don’t use social media to try and get a match with somebody who is seeking to come to the UK, but use reliable, safe channels – which may take longer, because they following safe procedures. Our partnerships with both Reset and Citizens UK makes sure of that.

It is a huge commitment to welcome refugees into your home, so we are also looking at the support we can offer. You need to consider that people fleeing from Ukraine have very recently experienced intense trauma. They have fled their homes, livelihoods and are likely to have left family members behind in a situation of extreme uncertainty and danger. You should be prepared for the possibility of the refugee(s) you are hosting experiencing psychological trauma which may require medical attention.

The minimum commitment you need to make is for 6 months. You will also be required to have a DBS check – as will all adult members of your household – and your premises checked. These checks will be organised by the local authorities.

Please think carefully before finally committing to hosting a family. You need to be realistic and ensure that as far as you are able you can commit to the support you are offering and you are entering into it with as much knowledge as you can.

In addition, to their housing needs, people may need help finding their way around the neighbourhood, registering for Universal Credit, setting up a bank account, all of which can be daunting in your own language, so we are also looking for people who can support the hosts, and want to help, we’re calling them “Welcome Teams”. We are also looking for people who speak Russian or Ukrainian and would be prepared to help with translation if needed. We will be offering information sessions for both hosts and these teams, so that you feel very supported. Citizens UK are also giving a weekly Zoom session for hosts and teams on a Friday from 1pm for an hour, which will be a mixture of answering questions and some information on particular topics.

Catholic Care | Catholic Care Parish Representatives

Catholic Care Parish Representatives

Catholic Care | Catholic Care Parish Representatives

Catholic Care Team

Parish representatives are building a bridge between each parish and Catholic Care to ensure:

They don’t want to even consider what Christmas will look like, as they just try to get through another month, counting down the days with less money in their pockets.

  • Regular contact is maintained between your Parish and Catholic Care
  • Your Parish is fully aware of what Catholic Care are doing in the Diocese of Leeds
  • Catholic Care can support the needs of your Parish and its outreach work
  • Opportunities for voluntary work are promoted

What will I do as a Catholic Care Parish Representative?

Parish Representatives help promote the charitable work of Catholic Care. Here are some ideas of how you can help promote our work in your parish:

  • Keep your Parish and community informed of Catholic Care news and events
  • Arrange for one of our staff or volunteers to visit your Parish or local school to speak about our work.
  • Help raise awareness and support our appeals and campaigns.
  • Engage with parishioners to find what services we could provide for them.

We do not normally require a DBS check for our Parish representatives, but we will ask that you obtain the consent of your Parish Priest.

How to become a Catholic Care Parish Representative?

If you would like to become a Catholic Care Parish Representative, please first obtain the consent of your Parish Priest then:

Please contact Rachel Wilkinson to express your interest in becoming a Catholic Care Parish Representative. She will then confirm details of the first Welcome Meeting to be held in May.

Catholic Care (Diocese of Leeds)
11 North Grange Road

Tel: 0113 3885400

Catholic Care | Message from Bishop Marcus - Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis

Message from Bishop Marcus - Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis

Catholic Care | Message from Bishop Marcus - Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis

Catholic Care Team

Over the past few days, we have heard distressing news about the war in Ukraine and seen the harrowing pictures of the destruction and the humanitarian crisis that the conflict is causing.

Over one million people have fled from danger. Families have been torn apart and for those remaining, their living conditions deteriorate by the hour.

Our first response as Catholics must be to pray earnestly for the suffering people of Ukraine and for those who have had to leave their homes to seek a safe refuge for themselves and their family. We must also pray for peace with all our hearts.

Service of Prayer for Ukraine

I wish to let you know that a Service of Prayer for Ukraine will be held at Leeds Cathedral on Thursday 10th March 2022 at 10:30am. I will be joined at this service by the Lord Mayor of Leeds, Cllr Asghar Khan, and other members of Leeds City Council, as well as representatives of other Christian denominations and religious faiths. I extend an invitation to anyone who wishes to attend, particularly those who live in the City of Leeds and those who are who are members of the Ukrainian community. It will be a simple service of readings, prayers and music, with the Lord Mayor giving an address. Please do advertise this event in the most appropriate ways you can given the short notice.

In addition to our prayer, we also need to ask ourselves, ‘What can I do?’

What can we do?

Aid agencies have found themselves overwhelmed by donations in kind and so are now specifically asking for financial donations only. We can help therefore by:

Donating through CAFOD and the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Appeal The DEC has launched an appeal for humanitarian support. The UK government will match any donations collected through members of the DEC like our own Catholic Agency, CAFOD, which is a part of this group. Your donation could also be eligible for Gift Aid. To donate, please go to:

Donating through Caritas Internationalis

Caritas Ukraine has ‘requested that Caritas Internationalis hold income for the emergency appeal for onward transfer at its request.’ This is due to the uncertain banking and access arrangements in Ukraine and to allow monies to support refugees in other countries. Therefore, we are encouraging those who wish to, to donate online to Caritas Internationalis, to speed up the process and ensure funds are being given to legitimate organisations through the Caritas federation.

Donating to Catholic Care to support our ongoing local work

As the principal expression of Caritas in the Diocese of Leeds, Catholic Care’s mission is to deliver care and support to those who are disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalised in the Diocese. While our work is not international, we are working with the Home Office and various partners to be in a position to welcome Ukrainian refugee families and those affected by war into our communities. You can donate online at: JustGiving

Registering an interest as a Community Group to welcome a refugee family

On the 1st March the Home Secretary announced that there will be new routes introduced for Ukrainians seeking sanctuary, potentially through agencies like Catholic Care who are already Lead Sponsors and work with parishes to ‘sponsor’ and welcome a family. At the current time details are limited, however, we anticipate this will be similar to the scheme currently operated for refugees from Syria. If you are interested in exploring this opportunity, please contact our Community Sponsorship Co-ordinator, Email:

Supporting the work of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN)

ACN is providing emergency help to the suffering Church in Ukraine. If you would like to learn more about their charitable work, you can find all the latest information here: May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Peace, intercede with her Son, the Prince of Peace, for the sake of the peoples of Ukraine here in our country and in their beloved homeland.

Marcus Stock
Bishop of Leeds & Chairman of Catholic Care
4th March 2022

Update 23 March 2022

As an acknowledged Principle Sponsor by the Home Office for our continuing work in welcoming refugee families through the Community Sponsorship Scheme, Catholic Care has the experience to support the welcome of Ukrainian Refugees and their families. We are currently working on becoming a “Strategic Partner” which will enable us to welcome as a minimum 50 refugee families. It is very frustrating that the process takes so long but we have to work with the system to ensure that when the refugees arrive they are not only welcomed into a home but have access to healthcare, schools etc as a minimum., We are hopeful that we are nearing people arriving with each passing day.

Catholic Care | Dreams really do come true

Dreams Really Do Come True

Catholic Care | Dreams really do come true

Catholic Care Team

Caroline is the resident “daredevil” living in one of the Charity’s homes in Leeds.

Catholic Care | Dreams really do come true

She just loves the excitement and adrenalin rush and before Covid had completed her training for a parachute jump.

Then came the pandemic and so she has had this activity on hold for a while due to the Covid restrictions. However, we finally managed to make her wish come true – Caroline sky dived from 10,000 feet and she enjoyed it so much her squeals of delight could be clearly heard as she made the jump. The instructors enjoyed her jump so much, they sent her some chocolates as a well done.

Hopefully next year Caroline will be able to redo the jump but this time at 15,000 feet as she continues to challenge herself.

Our values at Catholic Care focus on what a person can achieve and not their disability. Congratulations Caroline!

Catholic Care | Celebration for former Catholic Care staff

Celebration for Former Catholic Care Staff

Catholic Care | Celebration for former Catholic Care staff

Catholic Care Team

The past 18 months or so have been a difficult time in so many ways for all of us. It has also been difficult to say a proper “Goodbye” to our staff and especially to those who have given many years of dedicated service to the Charity.

On 30 October we did manage to get together to properly celebrate the service of 4 long standing members of Catholic Care staff who had left the charity over the past year, either for a well earned rest as they retired or to take on new challenges caring for others.

Mary Simmons, Sharon Costello, Aileen Donnelly and Val Lowe have between the m loyally served the Charity for 124 years in total.

Mgr Donal Lucey celebrated a beautiful Mass in the Chapel at Hinsley Hall and then we all enjoyed a hot buffet. This gave everyone the chance to catch up on news and events over the past year and above all the opportunity to say a proper farewell.

Carol Hill, Director of Catholic Care, presented each of the guests with a bouquet of flowers thanking them whole heartedly for their contribution to the Charity.

Bishop Marcus was amazed at the combined longevity of service and surprised us all be presenting Mary, Sharon, Aileen and Val (who sadly could not be present) with the Diocesan Silver Award for their many years service to the mission of the Church in the Diocese of Leeds.

What a lovely end to a quite remarkable afternoon.

Catholic Care | Meet the New Team at Eller Beck Court

Meet the New Team at Eller Beck Court

Catholic Care | Meet the New Team at Eller Beck Court

Catholic Care Team

After years of planning and weeks of intensive work, Eller Beck Court welcomed its first resident on Monday 27th September 2021.

Catholic Care is working in partnership with H21 who have built a pristine building, specifically adapted to meet the needs of older people. The building incorporates fifty-eight 1 and 2-bed apartments, a Bistro, laundry and a hairdressing salon.

This is the first extra care accommodation project for older people for the Charity. Catholic Care will be providing the care and support to the scheme.

Eller Beck is an Extra Care Scheme for older people. Living in a self-contained, fully accessible and modern home enables older people to maintain their independence whilst benefiting from optional care and support packages that are tailored to their needs. The care and support provided by Catholic Care come in two ways. Firstly, there is what we refer to as core support where members of staff are on site 24 hours a day to deliver a flexible service to the residents, as and when required. They are also available to provide an effective first response in emergencies. Secondly, the Charity will be providing planned care, a package of care built around the individual needs of the resident and delivered in the privacy of their own apartment.

Congratulations to Annette Clark, Vicky Hogg, Liz Young and the whole team on what you have achieved so far and good luck with this exciting new venture.