Our Mission 
Our Christian ethos lies behind our pursuit of social justice for those who cannot achieve it for themselves. We will seek a better life for anyone in need, regardless of their faith background and even if they are of no faith at all.
In everything we do, we strive to show how the teachings of Christian love, charity and justice can shape the way we live together.
We aim to achieve this by taking the caring church into the community and offering practical services and support for anyone who is disadvantaged, vulnerable or marginalised, regardless of their faith.
I really love the trips and holidays – I never had any in my last children’s home. The staff are kind and they really care about us.
– Young person in care.
Our values 
Our values are what drive everything we do. They help us to make decisions about what we do, how we do it, and who we do it for:
We aim to deliver the highest standards of care to anyone who is disadvantaged, vulnerable or marginalised, regardless of their faith. By making their interests our priority, we seek to enrich their lives, meet their needs and support their independence.
We offer understanding and empathy; and work in partnership to improve the physical, spiritual and emotional well-being of the people we encounter.
We believe in encouraging individuals to value each other and by, empowering people, to take action together for the common good. As a result, we aim to establish a sense of community and family that promotes feelings of belonging and self-worth.
Each and every person has the right to enjoy freedom, choice and respect. We take care to create services that reflect people’s preferences and respect their privacy and dignity at all times – so they each receive the personalised support that they need to enjoy rich and independent lives.
As an organisation that celebrates diversity and values relationships built upon mutual respect, we strive to offer inclusive services, without discrimination. This means that anyone in need can access our services and everyone is guaranteed a warm welcome.
We aim to be fair and just in all our dealings with people, from those using our services every day to our employees and volunteers. We also believe in open and honest working practices, and we aim to make a positive difference to those around us.