Give it a stir!
Celebrity chef Ainsley Harriot has given a tasty gift to one of Catholic Care's service-users.
Sarah Crossley, Senior Support Worker at Catholic Care’s service for Adults with Learning Disabilities at Roxholme Grove in Leeds, writes …
M. loves to take a snack to Day Centre, and will always opt for celebrity chef Ainsley Harriot’s cup soup. With support, M. reached out to Ainsley Harriot on social media to tell him his soups are her favourite snack to take. Ainsley’s team responded back to M., saying “Thank you for your message M., this is so lovely to hear. At the request of Ainsley, we’d like to send you something to show his appreciation.”
M. was delighted to receive a large package in the post with no less than 20 boxes of Ainsley’s cup soups – a total of 100 soup sachets! – and she was thrilled. Needless to say, M. is well and truly stocked up on them now for the visits to the Day Centre! Thank you, Ainsley!