Katrina’s Sponsored Walk

On 20th May Catholic Care’s HR Manager is doing a 29-mile sponsored walk with particular significance.

Catholic Care’s Human Resources Manager, Katrina Greenhalf, writes … On 20th May 2024 I’ll be walking from our Head Office in Headingley, Leeds, to our extra-care facility, Eller Beck Court in Skipton, covering approximately 29 miles. The majority of the route will follow the Leeds to Liverpool Canal. I’m hoping to complete it, accompanied by my partner Peter (with a few stops!) in 10 hours.

I chose this date for the walk as in celebration of the birthday of John Briggs (born 20th May 1789) who was the first Bishop of Beverley in East Yorkshire. Bishop Briggs raised funds for a Catholic orphanage in Leeds, Mount Saint Mary’s, from which the roots of our charity grew. Beverley is also a place close to my heart as I was born in Hull and spent many childhood weekends with my family on Beverley Westwood, and my mother was evacuated to Beverley during World War Two.

I’m walking to raise funds for Catholic Care because of our charity’s commitment to support the most vulnerable in society. Together, we make a difference.

You can sponsor me via JustGiving.