Catholic Care | Community Markets


Community Markets

The Community Market has been in operation since November 2020. Since then, it has grown significantly, mostly because of the increase in the cost of living.

During this time the market has provided food – and sometimes toiletries and cleaning products – to over 150 adults and 100 children. Many of these customers come most weeks and a great sense of community has developed.

We serve tea and coffee and the customers sit and chat with each other swapping stories, recipes and hints and tips. A couple of them regularly make dishes they bring to go on the stall, soups and curries and apple crumbles.

Unlike other food bank type operations, our customers don’t have to prove that they need us, they don’t need to be referred to us and they are not expected to pay. But many of them do want to make a donation, so there is a tin available to pop in whatever they want to – and that money always buys additional stock for the stall.

The staff were wonderful, reassuring to know they are there when needed.

– An older person.