
Community Market

Catholic Care operates a Community Market – in Wibsey, Bradford.

Location & Operating Hours

St. Winefride’s Church Hall, 54 St. Paul’s Avenue, Wibsey, Bradford, BD6 1ST

Wednesdays, 10am – 11am (tea and coffee available from 9.45am)

About the Market

The Community Market has been in operation since November 2020. Since then, it has grown significantly, mostly because of the increase in the cost-of-living.

During this time the market has provided food – and sometimes toiletries and cleaning products – to 300 adults and 225 children. Many of these customers come most weeks, and a great sense of community has developed.

We serve tea and coffee, and the customers sit and chat with each other swapping stories, recipes and hints and tips. The customers are a real community, looking out for one another, and some have become volunteers with Catholic Care.

Unlike other food bank type operations, our customers don’t have to prove that they need us, they don’t need to be referred to us and they can come as many times as they need.

When we first opened, local funding enabled us to offer food for free. With that funding gone, customers now pay £5 for which they can have up to 15 items (such as coffee, sugar, milk carton, cereal, meat products) and up to 20 items of fruit and vegetables.

In addition to food and toiletries, we have a ‘pre-loved’ stall of clothes and household goods.

Our family support worker often attends to offer advice and support on issues such as benefits and debt management. And local councillors attend once a month providing a “surgery”.

Further information

Please contact Sue Parsons, Community Market Coordinator.

Tel: 07702 255113

Community Pantry

The Community Pantry is our newest food support facility and is based at Holy Rosary Community Room in Leeds.

Location & Operating Hours

Holy Rosary Church, Chapeltown Road, Leeds, LS7 4BZ

Thursday from 9.30am – 11.00am

About the Pantry

We open on a Thursday from 9.30am – 11.00am providing free tea/coffee for the service users and a friendly listening ear.  The service costs £5 per person and for that you will receive 15 items such as dried/tinned foods, fruit, veg and toiletries.

Every fortnight we have a member of staff from the DWP who can provide help and support for those requiring information around this service.  We also have other agencies such as Yorkshire Water,  housing etc for 1-1 advice.

Further information

For further information please contact:
Louise Fineberg, Community Development Worker
07708 485891

Catholic Care has changed our lives. We're giving back the help we've had over the years.

– Community Market customers-turned-volunteers.