Adult Learning Disability 
We support adults with varying degrees of learning disability by providing residential homes, supported living and supported housing as well as outreach support.
Users of our services, whether residents or tenants or living in their own homes range from the more able to those requiring more complex care and support. We use a fresh, outcome-focused approach, involving person-centred planning, to offer each individual greater independence and autonomy.
49 adults with learning disabilities live in our residential and supported-living homes.
Our services 
Supported living housing
Our small group homes offer supported living/housing tenancies for adults with learning disabilities.
Residential home
Our residential home is ideal for adults with learning disabilities who would benefit from living in a residential environment.
Outreach services
We provide outreach services to adults with learning disabilities who live at home.
Our philosophy: control and choice
People with learning disabilities want a real say in where they live, what they do and who looks after them. We believe they should have the same rights and choices as the rest of society, so that they, too, can achieve self-fulfilment.
That’s why we build privacy, dignity and choice into our services, as well as control, responsible risk-taking and the preservation of individual rights. We also promote personal development through the learning of new skills and the achievement of positive outcomes, and we focus on creating social, leisure, employment and education opportunities.
Close partnerships
We work closely with families, advocates and other professionals (including the Care Quality Commission, social workers and care managers) to deliver a very high standard of individualised care. Each person has their own personal-centred plan, which is regularly assessed to reflect their changing needs.
Our staff
Our homes are staffed by genuinely caring people who will regularly choose to go the extra mile. We carefully select and develop specialist professionals who are committed to supporting each person in meeting their own evolving needs. When recruiting new staff, where able, we involve the people we support (and their family members) in the process. We recognise the value of a hand-picked team and of regular training and development.
Inspection rating: GOOD
Domicilary Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities are inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The latest inspection report rated Catholic Care’s provision ‘Good’ in all areas.
Useful downloads
Domiciliary Care Agency
Catholic Care
11 North Grange Road
West Yorkshire
T. 0113 388 5400