Educational Psychology Services 
Educational Psychologists promote wellbeing and inclusive learning for children and young people.
Educational psychologists are regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council, Educational Psychologists (EPs) will advise about child development, learning, emotional wellbeing and behaviour.
They work with children and young people of ages 3-19. As part of the Schools, Children and Family Wellbeing Service EPs work with other professionals in the team to ensure every child receives a good service.
Since your meeting with our son last week there has been a huge improvement. He speaks so highly of you, and we’re very grateful for all your support.
– Parents of a young person
How EPs work with educational settings
- EPs work at a number of levels: – Individual assessments of children – Group work, which includes teaching and multi-agency.
- The EP will liaise closely with the setting to agree and prioritise their work.
- The EP will help advise parents, carers and teaching staff and have direct involvement with children.
EPs can only work directly with children, after the Educational setting has secured written consent from parents/ carers. If the EP becomes involved with a referral, it is not always necessary for the EP to see the child for things to change.
They will conduct an assessment relating to the referred child following discussions with parents and teaching staff. If a more direct involvement is needed the EP will gain a better understanding of your child’s strengths and difficulties through:
- Meeting and talking with parents
- Talking with staff
- Observing in the classroom or playground
- Talking to your child on their own or with you there if you wish
- Looking at schoolwork
- Using activities or tests with them
Parents have the right to be present when the EP meets with their child. A parent’s presence can be reassuring for an anxious or very young child, who may find it difficult.
Parents are likely to know best how their child will respond.
How EPs work with parents
Parents views and knowledge are important in helping the EP to understand your child’s needs. Parents can help by:
- Telling the EP about their child, including his or her strengths
- Letting the EP know what their child is like at home