Our Appeals 
Every year, Catholic Care runs 3 major appeals, drawing together parishes, schools and the public to raise money to support our work.
Could you be part of these appeals? We’re always pleased to hear from potential volunteers and helpers, as well as caring members of the public.
Since your meeting with our son last week there has been a huge improvement. He speaks so highly of you, and we’re very grateful for all your support.
– Parents of a young person
Catholic Care Annual Appeal
In this appeal, the bishop of the Diocese of Leeds writes to every parish in the diocese on behalf of Catholic Care. He appeals for funds to support our charitable and social welfare work, which we undertake on behalf of the diocese.
This year you can also donate to our Annual Appeal online through our PayPal Giving Fund donate page or by cheque or postal order, made out to Catholic Care and sent to us at our postal address.
Good Shepherd Appeal
Initiated by Bishop Cowgill in 1911 and now running every Lent for over 100 years, this appeal involves the children and students of the diocesan schools working together to organise a wide range of fundraising events.
The appeal culminates in Leeds Cathedral when representatives from the schools give what they’ve raised to the bishop. It’s always a joyful occasion, with the children telling their stories as only children can. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the young people in our diocese who are so generous with their time, energy and enthusiasm – and of course for the money they raise, which helps to make a difference in the lives of so many.
Catholic Care Christmas Appeal
Our Christmas appeal focuses on the neediest people in our own communities, for whom this time of year can be especially difficult – with no festivities, no Christmas dinner, and no presents for the children. Our appeal can bring the Christmas spirit of love and generosity to those with so little, and bring a smile back to their faces.
As part of the appeal, we collect food hampers, toiletries and toys from schools, colleges and parishes around the diocese. It’s a major event, and for some schools, it’s the focal point of their Christmas celebrations.
In 2016, we received donations of over £3,000 for the hardship fund – to support those in desperate need throughout the year. Your support enabled us to provide food for the homeless throughout Leeds and provide food, toys and baby essentials for refugees in our own communities and in the camps abroad. We were also able to deliver around 60 food and toiletry hampers to families in our local communities and we made 75 pre-Christmas toy deliveries. We also ran the ‘When a Child is Born’ appeal in some schools, in which we collected enough baby clothes, toiletries and essentials to support our Gianna project for a whole year.
You can donate to our Christmas appeal online through our PayPal Giving Fund donate page or by cheque or postal order, made out to Catholic Care and sent to us at our postal address.