Leave a Legacy 
A legacy is a special instruction, placed into your will, which ensures that an individual or an organisation will benefit from your estate after your death. People often make legacies to charities so that they can continue supporting their work.
We are deeply grateful to all of our generous supporters who have made legacies to Catholic Care and made it possible for us to achieve so much more. Legacies are easy to include in your will.
We were really happy with the help you gave us by looking after my Uncle Trevor. We know he enjoyed his time with you and we appreciate everything you did.
– A relative.
Including a Legacy in your Will
Unlike other bequests you make in your will, the good news is that gifts to a charity are exempt from inheritance tax, income tax and capital gains tax.
There are three ways you can leave a gift to Catholic Care in your will.
- An item or items
- A specific amount of money
- A percentage of your estate
All you need to add us to your will are the following details:
- Name: Catholic Care (Diocese of Leeds)
- Registered Charity Number: 513063
- Address: 11 North Grange Road, Headingley, Leeds LS6 2BR
(We recommend that you contact a solicitor when making or changing your will)