Catholic Care | Make a Donation


Make a Donation

Every donation, however large or small, helps us to help others and to continue our work supporting the most vulnerable in society. We are very grateful for your support. Please remember to Gift Aid, if you can!


generously donated during our 2018 Christmas Appeal

By cheque or postal order

You can either make out a cheque or pop into the post office for a postal order. Either way, please make it payable to Catholic Care and send it to us at our postal address.

Catholic Care (Diocese of Leeds)
11 North Grange Road
Headingley, Leeds

Donate with JustGiving

You can make a one-off donation or setup a regular monthly donation to us quickly and easily online including gift aid donations using our JustGiving donation page.

Donate with Just Giving

Catholic Care | Support | Leave a Legacy

In memory of a loved one

People often like to make donations to charity in memory of a loved one or to take up a collection at the funeral. Find out more about donations in memory of a loved one.

Leave a Legacy

Will you Gift Aid your donation?

If you’re a UK taxpayer, we’d be very grateful if you would Gift Aid for your donation. It will boost what you send us by 25% – at no cost to you. You’ll need to fill in and return to us a simple Gift Aid declaration. Or, if you choose to donate using PayPal Giving Fund, you can choose to add Gift Aid to your donation.

Gift Aid Declaration