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Latest news 
Half-Marathon = Full Love for Catholic Care
One of Catholic Care’s fundraisers, Stephanie Moraes, is running her first Half-Marathon on 30th…
Tackling Modern Day Slavery
On 8th February the Church marks the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human…
Speaking Truth to Power at Parliamentary Reception
On 11th February 2025, Catholic Care Director Carol Hill attended a parliamentary reception at the…
International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024
People with disabilities are among Catholic Care's service-users, staff, and volunteers. For IDPD…
Catholic Care’s baby bank is part of something BIG!
Catholic Care's Gianna Baby Bank in Bradford has been selected to be part of Lorraine’s Big Baby…
Director of Catholic Care Announces Retirement
After more than a decade in leading Catholic Care, Director Carol Hill wrote to colleagues in…
Christmas Tree Festival 2024
Catholic Care is again among the dozens of charities taking part in the Christmas Tree Festival at…
Deaf Community Visit to Thicket Priory
On 19th October 2024 members and friends of the Deaf Community in the Catholic Diocese of Leeds…
Vibrant Day for Social Action in the Diocese of Leeds
The Caritas Leeds Day of Reflection and Action on 21st September was full of energy for serving…
Catholic Care Reorganises Children’s Residential Care
Director Carol Hill said: “Catholic Care has sadly taken the decision to close its Residential……
Caritas Day of Reflection and Action
The Caritas Leeds Day of Reflection and Action on 21st September will be an opportunity to build a…
Not Just Carers, But Family
The brother of a man with learning difficulties supported by Catholic Care has written a tribute to…
Katrina’s Walking Challenge
Catholic Care's Human Resources Manager walked 34 miles and raised £545 for our charity
Good Shepherd Celebration 2024
21st May saw once again a great gathering in St. Anne’s Cathedral in Leeds of pupils, students, and…
Gianna Baby Bank Open Day
On 1st May Catholic Care’s Gianna Baby Bank held its first Open Day, marking a year at its new…
Give it a stir!
Celebrity chef Ainsley Harriot has given a tasty gift to one of Catholic Care's service-users
Our Support for Families of Autistic Children
A Senior Social Worker in Catholic Care’s Schools, Children and Family Wellbeing Service, gives us…
Mental Health Awareness Week 2024
In 2024 Mental Health Awareness Week takes place from 13th to 19th May, on the theme of ‘Movement:…
Katrina’s Sponsored Walk
On 20th May Catholic Care’s HR Manager is doing a 29-mile sponsored walk with particular…
Our Annual Appeal: Thank you!
In March, parishes across the Diocese of Leeds held a second collection at Masses for Catholic…
Connective Parenting
A Social Worker in Catholic Care's Schools, Children and Family Wellbeing Service writes about the…
Volunteers Awarded Diocesan Medals
Catholic Care volunteers and staff have been awarded Leeds Diocesan and Parish Medals in…
Harrogate Catenians Raise £2000 for Catholic Care
The Harrogate Circle of the Catenian Association has generously raised £2000 for Catholic Care.
Celebrating World Down’s Syndrome Day
World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) has been marked on 21st March since 2007, and officially observed as…
International Day of Happiness
20th March is International Day of Happiness, established by the United Nations in 2012. It's a…
Mayor of Kirklees visits Westhaven Court
On 2nd February the Mayor of Kirklees, Councillor Cahal Burke, visited Westhaven Court, Catholic…
A Taste of Syria in Summerbridge
Catholic Care is a Principal Sponsor in the Home Office’s Community Sponsorship scheme for…
Indian-Themed Day
Tenants at one of Catholic Care's supported living services for adults with learning disabilities…
Back in the room
One of Catholic Care's social community groups for older and marginalised people in Bradford has…
Healthy start to the year
The start of a year is a time for making resolutions, and for many of us this includes healthier…
New Trustees Required
Catholic Care is recruiting new Trustees to increase the breadth of knowledge and experience on its…
I’m feline good!
A feline visitor has brought joy to a resident at one of Catholic Care's Supported Living Services…
News from Gianna Baby Bank
Catholic Care's Gianna Baby Bank in Bradford offers confidential one-to-one support and advice to…
Time To Talk Mental Health
The 1st of February is Time To Talk Day, the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. Run by…
Catholic Care publishes Impact Report for 2023
Catholic Care has published its impact report, titled A Celebration of Our Year 2023. Impact…
Support Catholic Care through Easyfundraising
Catholic Care has signed-up to Easyfundraising, the UK’s biggest charity online shopping site.…
Catholic Care’s Award-Winning Impact
Back in September 2023, Catholic Care celebrated the achievements of staff and volunteers at our…
Kate’s Skydive for Mental Health Services
On 19th January 2024, Catholic Care employee Kate Hughes did a tandem skydive to raise money and…
Anniversary Mass 8th December: CHANGE OF TIME
Our 160th Anniversary Mass on 8th December is now at 7pm (not 6.30pm).
Wibsey Community Market’s 3rd Anniversary
On 8th November a short Service of Thanksgiving was held to mark the third anniversary of Catholic…
Carol’s 160 kilometres
Our Catholic Care Director, Carol Hill, has committed to walk 160 kilometres during the autumn to…
160 Minutes of Mindfulness
A number of primary schools in the Diocese are marking Catholic Care’s 160th anniversary by…
160th Anniversary Mass: please register your attendance
All supporters of Catholic Care, along with staff, volunteers, and service-users, are warmly…
Record Numbers at Community Market
In mid-September Catholic Care's Community Market in Wibsey helped a record number of households.…
Christmas Card Crafting at St. Urban’s
Catholic Care’s Friendship Group at St. Urban’s Church in Headingley welcomed some Year 6 pupils…
Sky’s the limit for Kate
A Catholic Care employee is doing a sponsored skydive to mark Catholic Care’s 160th Anniversary.
CSAN Statement on the Israel-Gaza Conflict
Catholic Care is the Caritas agency of the Diocese of Leeds, and a member of Caritas Social Action…
Friendship Group Commemorates Battle of Britain
Some of the senior citizens who attend Catholic Care’s Friendship Groups across the Diocese of…
World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2023
World Day of Migrants and Refugees is celebrated every year on the last Sunday of September. In…
Bishop Marcus designates Catholic Care as diocesan Caritas agency
The way Catholic charitable activities are coordinated in the Diocese of Leeds has been reorganised…
A Celebration of Our Year 2022
We are pleased to present our annual review for 2022. This has been an exceptionally busy and…
Community update
St Winefride’s Church Hall was `buzzing’ today thanks to a joint effort from our Community Market…
Support our Christmas Appeal
Right now, hundreds of families across our Diocese are desperately trying to just get by, hit hard…
World Day of Migrants and Refugees
The Church has celebrated the World Day of Migrants and Refugees since 1914 and this year it is…
Celebrating The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
People attending the Charity’s Community Groups is Bradford celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee…
A Celebration of Our Year 2021
We are delighted to present our review of 2021, another very challenging year dominated by the…
Helping Ukrainian Refugees
Catholic Care has a lot of experience through being the Lead Sponsor of a number of Community…
Catholic Care Parish Representatives
Our vision is for Catholic Care Parish Representatives to be part of an integral network of people…
Message from Bishop Marcus – Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis
Over the past few days, we have heard distressing news about the war in Ukraine and seen the…
Dreams Really Do Come True
Caroline is the resident “daredevil” living in one of the Charity’s homes in Leeds. She just loves…
Celebration for Former Catholic Care Staff
The past 18 months or so have been a difficult time in so many ways for all of us. It has also…
Meet the New Team at Eller Beck Court
After years of planning and weeks of intensive work, Eller Beck Court welcomed its first resident…